Reviewing your financial plan during times of market volatility may often bring clarity and peace of mind. While the market may be uncomfortable to watch, many clients find that reviewing their financial plan ensures them that they are still on the path to financial success. At Chilton we begin this process by inviting individuals to […]

Chilton Briefs

August 17, 2022

Financial Planning Cycle

Many of you are probably wondering the same thing – what’s been going on with mortgage rates and where are they headed? With inflation intensifying, the average rate on a 30-year mortgage has jumped from 2.78% in July 2021 to the more recent 5.54% as of July 21, 2022, according to Freddie Mac. To grasp […]

Chilton Briefs

July 28, 2022

Mortgage Rates – What’s Going On?

It has been exactly one year since we published ‘Essential REIT Evaluation: Retail’, and, looking back on the piece, one could describe it as overly cautious and concerned with the longer term impact of the pandemic on this sector.  However, hindsight is 20/20, and we were working with much different information a year ago.  Just […]

Chilton Investment Outlook, REIT Outlook

November 9, 2021

Retail REITs: Revisited and Reconsidered | November 2021

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”  —Lewis Carroll You wouldn’t leave your house on a 1,000 mile journey without first consulting a map (I’m showing my age) or a GPS app on your phone. You would likely put in the destination and look at the options, determining that […]

Chilton Briefs

February 22, 2019

Planning Your Best Financial Journey

Build confidence in your financial future

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