Following a spectacular year of total returns and relative outperformance in 2021, multifamily REITs have underperformed the MSCI U.S. REIT Index (Bloomberg: RMZ).  The underperformance for multifamily REITs has been a product of both the macro environment (rising interest rates) and record high apartment deliveries, especially in Sun Belt markets.  While the fears are for […]

REIT Outlook

February 1, 2024

Multifamily REITs: Navigating the Sun Belt Amid Record Supply | February 2024

For much of the last decade, pundits have been calling for the death of brick and mortar retail.  Rather than a supposed death knell, the last few years – marked by continued e-commerce growth, changing consumer behavior, and supply chain constraints – proved out the benefit of retailers offering customers multiple channels and highlighted the […]

REIT Outlook

November 1, 2022

Shopping Center REITs: Supply/Demand Too Good To Ignore | November 2022

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