In recent history, e-commerce can be argued as the biggest societal shift to impact commercial real estate.  We’ve detailed the topic in retail outlooks from November 2022 and November 2021, and more recently in our Industrial Outlook from March 2024.  Many expected the surge in online shopping during the pandemic to supercharge the “death of […]

REIT Outlook

June 3, 2024

Retail REITs: Near Term Capex Caution Despite Strong Fundamentals | June 2024

For much of the last decade, pundits have been calling for the death of brick and mortar retail.  Rather than a supposed death knell, the last few years – marked by continued e-commerce growth, changing consumer behavior, and supply chain constraints – proved out the benefit of retailers offering customers multiple channels and highlighted the […]

REIT Outlook

November 1, 2022

Shopping Center REITs: Supply/Demand Too Good To Ignore | November 2022

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