The Chilton REIT Team recently attended the NAREIT REITWeek conference in New York City, where we met with over 50 REIT management teams in a one-on-one or small group setting. The conference was especially important this year due to the significant discounts to Net Asset Value (or NAV) at which many of them were trading. […]

REIT Outlook

July 1, 2018

REITWeek Review

We have long considered the cell tower business model as one of the most attractive, boasting consistent cash flow growth with low maintenance capital expenditures.  As such, the cell tower REITs, consisting of Crown Castle (NYSE: CCI), American Tower (NYSE: AMT), and SBA Communications (NASDAQ: SBAC), produced average annualized total returns of 15% from 2007 to 2017, which compared to […]

REIT Outlook

June 1, 2018

Cell Towers: Mission Critical for the Future

Since President Trump was elected on November 9, 2016, the lodging REIT sector (Bloomberg: BBREHOTL Index) has outperformed the MSCI US REIT Index (Bloomberg: RMS G) by over 2,350 basis points (bps) through April 16, 2018. The strong stock performance has likely been in anticipation of the pro-growth and pro-business agenda that President Trump’s election […]

REIT Outlook

May 1, 2018

Lodging REITs: Poised to Outperform

When we last discussed the healthcare REIT sector in our May 2014 Outlook, the sector was riding high.  Citi had it consistently trading at a large premium to its net asset value (or NAV) since early 2009.  Our recommendation that investors avoid the sector was a bold call, but it has been a key driver […]

REIT Outlook

April 2, 2018

Negative Prognosis for Healthcare REITs

A ‘correction’ is defined as a decline of 10% or more from a recent high. As of February 23, 2018, the MSCI US REIT Total Return Index (Bloomberg: RMS G) was trading 11% below its recent high on December 18, 2017. Some pundits assert that a correction can be healthy for a rising market, as […]

REIT Outlook

March 1, 2018

Equity REITs at Bargain Prices: An Asymmetric Opportunity

Single-family rental homes (or SFRs) have historically been dominated by local “mom and pop” investors considering they own 99% of the 16 million rental homes in the United States. In fact, until the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09, institutions avoided the asset class due to the lack of available scale and relatively high prices. By […]

REIT Outlook

February 2, 2018

Single-Family REITs: Consolidating a Fragmented Industry

2017 was another roller coaster of a year for REITs, exemplifying how short-term volatility is merely noise in the long-term goal of producing mid to high single digit total returns. Our +5-7% projected 2017 total return for the MSCI US REIT Index (Bloomberg: RMS G) proved to be in the ballpark, as it finished the […]

REIT Outlook

January 2, 2018

2018 Chilton REIT Forecast

Nareit, located in Washington DC, is the trade organization primarily representing real estate investment trusts—REITs. Combining the assets of all 200 REITs, public and private, produces nearly $3 trillion of real estate. It conducts two main conferences each year that attract REIT management teams, investors, lenders, and investment bankers. The November conference, called REIT World, […]

REIT Outlook

December 1, 2017

REIT World Discoveries

Despite consensus expectations for rising long term interest rates over the past five years, the US 10 year Treasury yield is still trading at below where it was four years ago.  Now, with a new Federal Reserve Chair nomination expected by November 3, global economic growth picking up, potential for tax reform, and tightening Fed […]

REIT Outlook

November 2, 2017

Back by Popular Demand: REITs and Interest Rates

Natural disasters are, unfortunately, part of life.  They are predictably unpredictable, which is an attribute that can influence population growth, job growth, and real estate.  The invention of insurance, provided by companies that can diversify their risk among multiple cities, has enabled cities that are prone to such disasters to attract residents and employers alike.  […]

REIT Outlook

October 1, 2017

Silver Lining to Harvey & Irma: Surging REIT Fundamentals

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