Although the change in public REIT equity prices over the past 12 months would not suggest it, 2022 actually saw earnings growth arrive above our initial expectations.  Specifically, occupancy continued its positive trajectory, leading to further upward pressure on rents across nearly every property type.  Additionally, the inflationary pressures helped to slow new construction, creating […]

REIT Outlook

January 3, 2023

2023 Chilton REIT Forecast | January 2023

In December, the MSCI US REIT Index (RMZ) produced a total return of -5.1%. The Chilton REIT Composite underperformed the benchmark for the month by producing a total return of -5.5% gross of fees and -5.5% net of fees. For the full year of 2022, the Chilton REIT Composite underperformed the RMZ by producing a […]

REIT Commentary

January 1, 2023

REIT Commentary | December 2022

In November, the MSCI US REIT Index (RMZ) produced a total return of +5.8%. The Chilton REIT Composite outperformed the benchmark for the month by producing a total return of +7.0% gross of fees and +7.0% net of fees. Year to date, the Chilton REIT Composite has performed in line with the RMZ by producing […]

REIT Commentary

December 1, 2022

REIT Commentary | November 2022

The Chilton REIT Team descended upon San Francisco in mid-November for a packed three days of meetings with management and property tours.  The annual REITWorld conference is extremely important for us to catch up in person with the CEOs and CFOs of our portfolio companies, ramp up on potential new ideas, connect with peers, and […]

REIT Outlook

December 1, 2022

Property Type Round-Up from REIT World | December 2022

In October, the MSCI US REIT Index (RMZ) produced a total return of 4.9%. The Chilton REIT Composite underperformed the benchmark for the month by producing a total return of 1.1% gross of fees and 0.9% net of fees. Year to date, the Chilton REIT Composite has underperformed the RMZ by producing a total return […]

REIT Commentary

November 1, 2022

REIT Commentary | October 2022

For much of the last decade, pundits have been calling for the death of brick and mortar retail.  Rather than a supposed death knell, the last few years – marked by continued e-commerce growth, changing consumer behavior, and supply chain constraints – proved out the benefit of retailers offering customers multiple channels and highlighted the […]

REIT Outlook

November 1, 2022

Shopping Center REITs: Supply/Demand Too Good To Ignore | November 2022

Stubbornly high inflation and a Federal Reserve belatedly determined to bring it down, even if it causes a recession, pushed markets lower for the third quarter in a row.  The bear market continued, with the S&P 500 returning -4.9% in the third quarter to bring its YTD loss to -23.9%. The top performing sectors in […]

Portfolio Insights

October 17, 2022

Portfolio Insight   |   3rd Quarter 2022

In September, the MSCI US REIT Index (RMZ) produced a total return of -12.1%. The Chilton REIT Composite underperformed the benchmark for the month by producing a total return of -12.5%, both gross and net of fees. In the third quarter, the Chilton REIT Composite underperformed the benchmark by producing a total return of -11.0% […]

REIT Commentary

October 1, 2022

REIT Commentary | September 2022

The hottest topic of 2022 that everyone can relate to or has had their own personal experience with has undoubtedly been inflation.  In August 2022, inflation prices were 8.3% higher compared to a year before according to the Consumer Price Index report.  While slower than the prior month when inflation climbed 8.5%, it’s still uncomfortably […]

REIT Outlook

October 1, 2022

Residential REITs: The Property Type You Can Actually Afford | October 2022

In August, the MSCI US REIT Index (RMZ) produced a total return of -6.0%. The Chilton REIT Composite outperformed the benchmark for the month by producing a total return of -5.7%, both gross and net of fees. Year to date, the Chilton REIT Composite has outperformed the RMZ by producing a total return of -15.9% […]

REIT Commentary

September 1, 2022

REIT Commentary | August 2022

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